Thursday, June 5, 2008

Going Up with the Harlot

OK.  My flight gets into Columbus 20 minutes early.  I catch a cab to the hotel and check in.  The cabbie had the windows in the cab open, because its 90+ degrees here.  I look like Medusa on a bad hair day.  Who gets onto the elevator with me?  The Yarn Harlot.  Oh. My. God.  We start to chat and that's when I realized -- I have lost my opportunity to Kinnear her.  We're both grumbling about flying when it dawns on me that I cannot possible pull out a cell phone camera and click a photo without being noticed. 

But it's too cool.  I'm at the Harlot's hotel.  This yarn store thing is getting very real now.  I'm ready to have some serious yarn fun.

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